Fund search
Sustainable Solutions
Impact/Article 9 SFDR
These are very specific investment strategies with an ecologic or social focus. Social and/or ecologic progress should be further advanced. Impact becomes visible and is reported on regularly. These investment funds comply with Article 9 SFDR.
Responsible/Article 8 SFDR
Ecological, social and governance data lead to a proprietary ESG-rating.
The best-in-class approach guarantees that, in each industry, the most sustainable corporations get selected. Strict exclusion criteria from all perspectives of sustainability. These investment funds comply with Article 8 SFDR.
Integration/Article 8 SFDR
Integration means to include ESG-criteria in the investment process, because they can have a positive financial impact - e.g. corporations with a high ESG-risk are excluded. Analysts identify investments whose ESG-characteristics should be reflected in terms of economic advantages, and then recommend them. These investment funds comply with Article 8 SFDR.
Sustainability: Classification according to the EU Disclosure Regulation
In accordance with the EU Disclosure Regulation, investment funds are classified by the asset management company into three categories with regard to their sustainable characteristics: Article 9 (sustainable), Article 8 (sustainable) and Article 6 (non-sustainable).
Investment funds classified as Article 9 are those which have a sustainable investment objective, while those classified as Article 8 actively promote or at least consider sustainable characteristics.
Sustainability: Consideration of environmentally sustainable economic activities
The EU taxonomy serves to make sustainable economic activities measurable and comparable.
Currently, ecological sustainable criteria such as climate protection or adaptation to climate change are taken into account - further criteria have already been announced.
Investment funds that consider environmentally sustainable economic activities select their investments also according whether their business activities meet the criteria required by the taxonomy and thus make a significant contribution to environmental protection.
Sustainability: Consideration of Principal Adverse Impacts (PAIs)
PAIs (Principal Adverse Impacts) are the key environmental, social and governance factors that have a negative impact on sustainability, such as CO2 emissions, hazardous waste, violation of human rights and corruption.
Investment funds that consider these indicators select their investments to reduce the most important negative effects on sustainability factors on the environmental, social issues and corporate governance.
Fund Category
Equity funds
With equity funds, the fund assets are invested primarily in stocks. Equity funds are as varied as the stock markets themselves. The investment possibilities range from globally investing equity funds to funds that only invest in stocks from certain countries or sectors.
Bond funds
Bond funds invest primarily in debt. Bonds usually offer regular interest payments and the redemption of the invested capital at the end of the term, though funds generally do not hold bonds all the way to their maturity.
Bond funds with short remaining term to maturity
These funds invest in bonds or money market instruments with short maturities.
Mixed funds
Funds that invest in different asset classes (for example in equities and in bonds) combine the growth potential of stocks with the lower risk of interest-bearing securities. The so-called mixed funds usually give the fund managers more investment leeway. When stock prices are stagnating or falling, for example, fund managers can shift capital into interest-bearing securities, or when stocks are performing well, move more capital into these assets.
Investment Region
Here, the fund can focus on a specific region or country, for example on developed markets or on emerging markets.
Bond Focus
The investment fund can focus on a particular bond segment, for example government bonds.
Risk/Holding Period
The recommended (or minimum) holding period is a legally required item of information to be included in the KID. They are determined on the basis of the asset class of the respective fund and its type-specific maturity, including a qualitative assessment in each individual case. It is crucial to understand that the holding period alone do not suffice for a complete picture of any possible risks. They always need to be looked at together with the prospectus, the “Information for investors pursuant to Article 21 AIFMG” and the KID.
Currency Risk
- Yes: The performance of the investment fund can be influenced substantially by currency risks.
- No: The fund enters into no material foreign currency risks, and/or any currency risks that are associated with securities are hedged.
- Subordinated: In order to seize opportunities, currency risks can be accepted to a limited extent. The performance of the investment fund can be influenced to a certain degree by currency risks.
Pension Fund
The search here is limited to the funds that explicitly meet the special requirements of the Austrian Pension Fund Act (Österreichisches Pensionskassengesetz) according to their fund terms and conditions.
Eligible for s fund plan
These funds can be used as s fund plan for regular investment.
Important information: Please note the disclaimer and legal notes at the bottom of each fund page. Further information and documents, as well as important legal information on the respective fund, in particular specific information on funds managed by other management companies, can be obtained by clicking on the fund name in the fund overview above.
Fund Changes
YOU INVEST GREEN Portfolio 10 (merging fund) into YOU INVEST GREEN Portfolio 30 (subsequently designated as YOU INVEST FLEXIBLE Portfolio 30, receiving fund) as of 14 April 2025
The fund YOU INVEST GREEN Portfolio 10 (merging fund) is being merged with the fund YOU INVEST GREEN Portfolio 30 (new name YOU INVEST FLEXIBLE Portfolio 30, receiving fund).
Why are these changes being made?
The investment approach of YOU INVEST GREEN Portfolio 30, which will be called YOU INVEST FLEXIBLE Portfolio 30 in the future, encompasses a broad concept of sustainability that is often described using ESG (Environment, Social, Governance). This approach takes into account not only environmental aspects (E = Environment) but also social aspects (S = Social) and corporate governance (G = Governance) in the management of the investment fund.
The consideration of ESG aspects remains a central component of the fund management and the classification of the fund in accordance with Article 8 of the Disclosure Regulation remains unchanged.
The new name ‘FLEXIBLE’ describes the broad investment style in the management of the funds.
The unit-holders will be informed directly of the merger pursuant to § 133 InvFG 2011.
The fund YOU INVEST GREEN Portfolio 10 will cease to exist after the merger.
Details can be found at:
Historical prices and reports & prospectuses
Exchange ratio YOU INVEST GREEN Portfolio 10 -> YOU INVEST GREEN Portfolio 30
Exchange ratio will follow
Unit certificate business for Erste Asset Management GmbH funds
27 November 2024
Due to technical problems, the unit certificate business for all funds of Erste Asset Management GmbH in Austria will be suspended with immediate effect. Unit certificate orders received before the cut-off on 26 November 2024 are expected to be settled with a delay at the applicable net asset value. The resumption of unit certificate trading will be announced separately.
28 November 2024
In response to our last communication, we would like to inform you that the technical problems have now been resolved and that the unit certificate business for all funds of Erste Asset Management GmbH in Austria was resumed on 28 November 2024.
ERSTE BEST OF EUROPE (merging fund) into ERSTE RESPONSIBLE STOCK EUROPE (receiving fund) as of 27 August 2024
ERSTE BEST OF EUROPE (merging fund) will merge with the ERSTE RESPONSIBLE STOCK EUROPE fund (acquiring fund).
The unit holders will be notified directly of the merger in accordance with § 133 InvFG 2011.
The ERSTE BEST OF EUROPE fund will no longer exist after the merger.
Details can be found at:
Historical prices and reports & prospectuses
AT0000703335 to AT0000A1E0V5 - 1:0,717680
AT0000703343 to AT0000645973 - 1:0,959031
AT0000A0QQK1 to AT0000A0WM11 - 1:1,037678841