Income tax allowance

Invest your profits and benefit twice.

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Use your tax allowance to save taxes

Entrepreneur and self-employed people can shelter parts of their profits from tax by investing in selected securities or assets

Which funds are eligible for tax allowances?

The funds listed below qualify for the tax allowance pursuant to sect. 14 of the Austrian Income Tax Act (EStG). These funds comply with the statutory requirements for tax-deductible investments. After the mandated holding period of four years, you can sell them at your own discretion without subjecting yourself to subsequent taxation.

In addition to the funds listed below, ERSTE IMMOBILIENFONDS and ERSTE RESPONSIBLE IMMOBILIENFONDS are also eligible to be held as securities coverage for Austrian pension provision requirements. ERSTE LAUFZEITFONDS KMU 2028 and ERSTE LAUFZEITFONDS KMU 2029 are not available anymore.

Please note that investments in securities entail risks in addition to the opportunities presented here. 

Income tax allowance funds

Important information: Please note the disclaimer and legal notes at the bottom of each fund page. Further information and documents, as well as important legal information on the respective fund, in particular specific information on funds managed by other management companies, can be obtained by clicking on the fund name in the fund overview above.

The individual selection and the weighting depend on your investment goals and your willingness to take on risk.


Do you have questions or would like to get more information?

We and our sales partners are happy to help you.